Thursday, March 30, 2017


Hating the government is a God-given American right. Everybody, both the Left and the Right, hates the government.

There are two little things that would improve Americans' relationship with the government:

 1) Simplify the Tax Code
 2) Make Healthcare sane.

But private enterprise, not the all-hated government, prevents us from improving our lives and our relationship with the government.

Accountants and health insurers and the lobbyists that work for them wipe their asses with our money and shit on pots made of gold bought with our money, all to prevent our lives from getting better.

These two stories are almost as sickening as our con-artist-in-chief's attempts to destroy our lands, water, and  air.

1) On how the healthcare industry robs us blind

2) On how one man's dream to simplify our tax code was squashed

It's not the money that bothers me when I pay taxes. It's the idea that after slaving for 60 hours a week I have to take a couple of Saturday mornings to prepare taxes. I don't even do them myself--it's too complicated. But I have to prepare my taxes to be prepared by someone else and it's a profound waste of time and a huge drain on productivity for a nation that prides itself on working itself to death. (The American work ethic, work hard but don't work smart, is worthy of another rumination.)

In the same vain as "it's not the money, it's the waste of time" that bothers me with taxes, it's the idea that an entire huge sector of our economy, which used to be dedicated to improving our health, is now dedicated to squeezing as many pennies as possible out of people. What's your health worth to you? Is it worth $356,299.43? If so, it's the people trained to suck Ben Franklins out of your wallet that are getting most of that $356,299.43 and not the people who actually improve your health.

Food For Thought.