Thursday, December 04, 2014

#‎TBT‬: Alaska Sunrise-

This picture, taken back in 1996, was at the beginning of an extraordinary day of fishing in the Katmai Region. I see this picture and I can still remember how I felt as I watched the sun rise over the float plane in Southern Alaska: Exhilarated, blessed, in awe, grateful to be alive, overwhelmed with excitement.We were right by Gilbraltar Lake, near Lake Iliamna. 

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Winter Wonderland. Forest Walk in the Olympics

Winter brings us an intricate web of geometric shapes. Like an MC Escher painting, each little ice crystal and snowflake is connected to another. The flowers, the trees, the water that forms the ice, everything flows together, essentially part of life regenerating and preparing to grow again in Spring.